.A lot of people get confused about how to use these words. Maybe this will help
to marry (someone)- this is the general verb. It is the time when people come together as husband and wife. Do not say I married with someone. It is not correct. And do not say I married to someone. It is also incorrect
.Correct example: I married Sam 3 years ago
to get married- this talks about the time two people got married. It makes us think of the wedding
.Correct example: I got married
to get married to (someone)- We think of who was married in the wedding. Do not say I got married with someone. It is incorrect
.Correct example: I got married to Sam
.to get married in (someplace)- We think of where the wedding took place
.Correct Example: I got married in Hawaii
?to be married- This means a state of being. Are you married or are you single
.Correct Example: I am married
?to be married (to someone)- Also state of being. But who is married to you
.Correct Example: I am married to Sam
Conclusion- When you use to marry or to get married, think about the wedding. When you use to be married, think about the person's life now
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