Homonyms are two words that sound like each other but have different meanings. Many people make mistakes with them. Here are some common homonyms (and 4 word that are nothomonyms but are very similar.) Check the meanings and the spelling. Be careful when you read and write these words
.1a.here- inthis place. Please come here
.1b.hear- usingyour ears to listen. Do you hear that
2a. capital- this has a few different meanings. One means a big letter in the alphabet. (Example- ABC, notabc) Don't forget that Chicago begins with a capital letter
2b. capitol- theplace where the government resides. The capitol of the United States is Washington, D.C
.3a. they're- they + are. They're from Canada
.3b. their- something belongs to "them." This is their car
.3c. there- inthat place. The park is over there
.4a. won- pasttense of win. We won the basketball game
.4b. one- thenumber 1. I have one son
.5a. two- thenumber 2. I'll have two hamburgers, please
5b. to- this hasmany meanings. One means "in the direction of." I'm going to South America
.5c. too- also. I want to go, too
6a. lose /looz/*- a verb. When you can't find something. Did you lose your money
6b. loose /loos/*- an adjective. A few diffaerent meanings. One is when clothing istoo big. These pants are really loose on me
7a. dessert /de 'zert/*- food that is eaten after a meal, usually sweet. We are going tohave apple pie for dessert
7b. desert /'dezert/*- a place with few plants and animals. It usually has sand or dirt. Have you ever been to the Sahara desert in NorthernAfrica
* These words are not homonyms. They do not sound exactly alike. Check your English dictionary if you are notsure

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:?What,are,homonyms, | 4:3 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |
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