Here are a number of useful phrases used when disagreeing or expressing another opinion. Notice that a number of these expressions employ the first or second conditional

  •  ....I wouldn't do that. I would
  • ....But if we
  • .I'm afraid I have to disagree with you
  • ....Don't get me wrong
  • ....Even so, if
  • ....Don't forget that
  • ....Very true, but

.After you study these constructions, take the disagreeing quiz to check your understanding


.I wouldn't do that. I'd speak to the teacher first and see what she says
.But if we don't make those investments, we'll risk loosing market share
.Don't get me wrong, I just think we should look at some other options before making a decision
.Even so, if we change classes this late, we might not get a passing grade
Don't forget that you still need to finish all your homework BEFORE you can do that
.Very true, but we still need to get the garden in shape before building a new deck

تاريخ : شنبه 29 مهر 1391برچسب:How,to,disagree,in,English, | 11:39 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |

 There are a number of formulas used when complaining in English. It's important to remember that a direct complaint or criticism in English can sound rude or aggressive. It's best to mention a problem in an indirect manner

:Here are some of the most common
...I'm sorry to have to say this but
...I'm sorry to bother you, but
...Maybe you forgot to
...I think you might have forgotten to
...Excuse me if I'm out of line, but
...There may have been a misunderstanding about
...Don't get me wrong, but I think we should

تاريخ : دو شنبه 13 شهريور 1391برچسب:How,to,complain,in,English, | 1:35 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |

 Sometimes you need to state a preference when someone makes a suggestion, offers something or asks your opinion about what to do. Often people are asking for your opinion and you can state your preference freely, other times, people have made an offer and you need to state a preference politely if you do not want to do what has been suggested, or would rather do something else

       ?Would you like to see a film tonight
I'd rather godancing. How does it sound
        ?Why don't we have some chinese food
Well, I'd prefer eating Italian.What do you think
        ?What do you think we should do
If it were up to me, I'd go outfor dinner
         What are we going to do today? The weather is awful
I think we should go to a museum
?Why don't we go to a museum
Let's go to a museum
?How about going to a museum

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:?How,to,state,a,preference, | 4:6 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |


English Vocabulary Lessons
Learning English vocabulary is something that many people need to do when they are visiting the United States. There are great English vocabulary tips that you can find in a book. Your nearest bookstore will have a great little American English dictionary that will make learning it very easy. Check out all the different books that are offered before making the decision on which one you want. You might want several different ones
Developing an English vocabulary will take a little bit of time. The best thing to do when you learn English vocabulary is to take an hour each day to go over several different vocabulary lessons. The more time you spend on it the easier it becomes
Once you know the basics of the English vocabulary you will be able to speak it fairly well. Whenever you don’t understand someone that speaks English, simply ask them to repeat it. The more you hear English the better you will become at speaking it
The more you practice English, the better you will become. Conversing will soon be easier for you. A class is a great way to learn the English language. When you have a teacher they can take individual time with you so that you can learn the language and use it very well
There are several ways that you can find a good place to teach you English. You can try searching online and also you can ask around at a college or other school in your area. They will know where you can find a great class to learn English
Many people teach themselves English by using a tape. With a tape you will learn to speak by listening to the words and repeating them. If you plan to learn English this way, you can do so at any time. While you are driving or just relaxing you can listen to the tape and repeat the words. Soon you will know the English language and at your own speed. Once you learn it, speaking it will become easier and easier

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:How,to,improve,vocabulary, | 4:1 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |

  Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your native Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your nativetongue. The following article outlines how to write a resume. The most importantstep in how to write a resume is to take the time to prepare your materialsthoroughly. Taking notes on your career, educational and other accomplishmentsand skills will ensure that you can shape your

.resume to a wide variety of professional opportunities
Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: 2 hours
:Here's How
First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, fulltime and part time. .Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything
Take notes on your education. Include degree or certificates, major orcourse emphasis, .school names and courses relevant to careerobjectives
Take notes on other accomplishments. Include membership inorganizations, militaryservice and any other special accomplishments
From the notes, choose which skills are transferable (skills that aresimilar) to the job you are applying for - these are the most important pointsfor your resume
Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, faxand email at the top of the resume
Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing whattype of work you hope to obtain
Begin work experience with your most recent job. Include the companyspecifics and your responsibilities - focus on the skills you have identified astransferable
Continue to list all of your work experience job by job progressingbackwards in time. Remember to focus on skills that are transferable
Summarize your education, including important facts (degree type, specific courses studied) that are applicable to the job you are applyingfor
Include other relevant information such as languages spoken, computerprogramming knowledge etc. under the heading: AdditionalSkills
Finish with the phrase: REFERENCES Available upon request
Your entire resume should ideally not be any longer than one page. Ifyou have had a number of years of experience specific to the job you areapplying for, two pages are also acceptable
Spacing: ADDRESS (center of page in bold) OBJECTIVE double spaceEXPERIENCE double space EDUCATION double space ADDITIONAL SKILLS double spaceREFERENCES. Left align everything except name/address
Use dynamic action verbs such as: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc
Do NOT use the subject 'I', use tenses in the past. Except for yourpresent job. Example: Conducted routine inspections of on siteequipment
What You Need
·         Paper
·         Typewriter or Computer
·         Dictionary
·         Thesaurus
·         Past Employer Addresses


تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:How,to,write,resume, | 3:56 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |


1.    Be patient with yourself. It takes a while to learn how to speak Englishwell. Remember to give yourself time and treat yourself well
.    Do everything everyday, but only do ten to fifteen minutes of the moreboring tasks. If you want to improve listening skills, just listen to the radio fifteen minutes rather than an hour. Do ten minutes of grammar exercises. Never do too much English. It's better to do just a little bit every day rather than alot only twice a week
3.    Make mistakes, make more mistakes and continue to make mistakes. Theonly way you will learn is by making mistakes, feel free to make them and make them often
4.    Learn how to speak English about the things you like doing. If you enjoyspeaking about the topic, it will be much easier for you to learn how to speak English well in a shorter amount of time
What You Need
    ·         Patience    
·         Time
·         Willingness to make mistakes
·         Friends who can speak English with you
·         Books or internet resources in English

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:Tips,to,improve,speaking, | 3:51 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |


How to check the spelling of a word
The best way to learn how to spell a word is to find it in theDictionary. To find words in the Dictionary it is important to know the alphabetwell. You will need to be able to judge quickly whether any word comes before orafter another one, this is called alphabetical order. If the first letters oftwo words are the same, look at the next letters to decide the correctorder
Example:dare, dart, darn - in the case of these three words, 'dare' comesfirst, 'darn' second, and 'dart' last. The first three letters 'd', 'a', and 'r' are the same in all three words so the correct alphabetical order is based onthe fourth letter
How to find a word in the Dictionary
Words are printed inlarge bold typeat the upper top left-handand right-hand corner of any page to help you quickly find a word in theDictionary. The first of these two words show you which is the first word onthat page, the second shows you which is the last words to be found on thatpage
Example:You are looking for the word 'signal'. You can find 'signal' on thepage which has the two wordsSignac and silage (example taken fromtheCollins English Dictionary) printed at the upper top left-hand andright-handcorner
Understanding definitions
Once you have found the word you are looking for you need to understanda few common conventions to make best use of your dictionary. Here is an exampleentry in a dictionary
feat (fi:t) n.a remarkable, skillful, or daring action; exploit; achievement: feats of (strength... (example taken from theCollinsEnglish Dictionary
feat - the defined word
fi:t/ - a phonological transcription of the word (the correctpronunciation), usually using the International PhoneticAlphabet
n. - the part of speech, in this case 'n.' means noun (look for a list ofabbreviations used (in your Dictionary usually included on one of the first fewpages
a remarkable, skillful, or daring action; exploit; achievement: definitions of the word. Different meanings of a word will be separated bynumbers
feats of strength - an example sentence using the defined word

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:How,to,use,a,dictionary, | 3:49 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |
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