affect vs effect

.Affect and effect are two words that are commonly confused
(ffect is usually a verb (action) - effect is usually a noun (thing
Hint: If it's something you're going to do, use "affect." If it's something you've already done, use "effect"
.To affect something or someone
.Meaning: to influence, act upon, or change something or someone
.For example: The noise outside affected my performance
.The use of "effect" as a verb is what causes the most confusion between these two words
.To have an effect on something or someone
(Note: effect is followed by the preposition on and preceded by an article (an, the
.Meaning: to have an impact on something or someone
.For example: His smile had a strange effect on me
!Effect can also mean "the end result"
.For example: The drug has many adverse side effects
!Note - Just remember: "affect" = to influence, and "effect" = to bring about
alone / lonely  

Alone, can be used as an adjective or adverb. Either use means without other people or on your own

For example: "He likes living alone."
I think we're alone now." = There are just the two of us here

.Lonely is an adjective which means you are unhappy because you are not with other people

For example: "The house feels lonely now that all the children have left home"

!Note - Just because you're alone, doesn't mean you're lonely

beside vs besides

.beside is a preposition of place that means at the side of or next to

.For example: The house was beside the Thames.

.besides is an adverb or preposition. It means in addition to or also

"For example: Besides water, we carried some fruit. = "In addition to water, we carried some fruit


تاريخ : جمعه 7 مهر 1391برچسب:Some,Common,Mistakes,and,Confusing,Words,in,English, | 18:38 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |

 Some idioms

Rip someone or something off
تیغ زدن، کلاه کسی را برداشتن
Hit below the belt
نامردی کردن، ناجوانمردانه عمل کردن
Cost an arm and a leg
کلی آب خوردن، زیاد خرج برداشتن
Straight from the horse's mouth
از منبع موثق، دست اول
Go to pieces
درب و داغون شدن، از پا درومدن
Get away with something
قسر در رفتن، گیرنیفتادن
Drop out
کناره گیری کردن، انصراف دادن
On the tip of one's mouth
نوک زبان کسی بودن، سر زبان کسی بودن
At the end of one's rope
به آخر خط رسیدن، جان به لب شدن
Bend over backwards
از جان مایه گذاشتن

تاريخ : چهار شنبه 1 شهريور 1391برچسب:Some,interesting,idioms, | 4:15 | نویسنده : حسین لطفی |
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